Simple Text Encoder - Decoder in Python
Here is a simple text encoder-decoder implemented in python.
You can use 26 English alphabets to create a secret message and send it to your friend.
Example :
You can use 26 English alphabets to create a secret message and send it to your friend.
Example :
Steps to follow:
This project uses a simple algorithm to encode the text and reverse of the same algorithm to decode the text.
The algorithm is the Serial Numbers of Alphabets :
A/a - 1, B/b- 2 ...... Z/z - 26
Getting the encoding chart:
Download the (encoding chart + code file) from 👉Here .
Retrieve the from chart :
I've written the function to retrieve the data from "chart.txt" file and convert into python dictionary .
def get_chart(file="chart.txt"): data = [] with open(file) as chart: for line in chart: data.append(line.split("\n")[0].split(",")) char_dictionary = dict(data) return char_dictionary
In the line :
I've split the data from new line ('\n') then split the data from comma (',') then store in the list data.
then convert the list into dictionary.
and returns the encoded string.
then convert the list into dictionary.
Encode the message:
Encode the message using the following function:
def encode(string,chart=get_chart()): enc = "" for s in string.lower(): for k in chart.keys(): if s==k: # print(s,k,chart[s]) enc+= chart[s] return str(enc)The "encode()" function takes two parameters 1. message 2. encoding-chart
and returns the encoded string.
Decode the message:
Decode the message using the following function:
def decode(enc,chart = get_chart()): j = 0 i = 2 dec = "" enc_list = [] for _ in range(int(len(enc)/2)): enc_list.append(enc[j:i]) j += 2 i += 2 for s in enc_list: for key, value in chart.items(): if s==value: dec += key return str(dec)
The "decode()" function takes two parameters 1. message 2. encoding-chart
and returns the decoded string.
That's all this article was.
Final code can be found here.
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