Spiral Model SDLC | novice-vikas

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fig . 1

    The Spiral model of software development is shown in fig. 1. The diagrammatic representation of this model appears like a spiral with many loops. The exact number of loops in the spiral is not fixed. Each loop of the spiral represents a phase of the software process.
   For example, the innermost loop might be concerned with feasibility study, the next loop with requirements specification, the next one with design, and so on. Each phase in this model is split into four sectors (or quadrants) as shown in fig. 4.1. The following activities are carried out during each phase of a spiral model.

First quadrant (Objective Setting)
• During the first quadrant, it is needed to identify the objectives of the phase.
• Examine the risks associated with these objectives.

Second Quadrant (Risk Assessment and Reduction)
• A detailed analysis is carried out for each identified project risk.
• Steps are taken to reduce the risks. For example, if there is a risk that the requirements are inappropriate, a prototype system may be developed.

Third Quadrant (Development and Validation)
• Develop and validate the next level of the product after resolving the identified risks.

Fourth Quadrant (Review and Planning)
• Review the results achieved so far with the customer and plan the next iteration around the spiral.
• Progressively more complete version of the software gets built with each iteration around the spiral.

Circumstances to use spiral model
The spiral model is called a meta model since it encompasses all other life cycle models. Risk handling is inherently built into this model. The spiral model is suitable for development of technically challenging software products that are prone to several kinds of risks. However, this model is much more complex than the other models – this is probably a factor deterring its use in ordinary projects.

Comparison of different life-cycle models

The classical waterfall model can be considered as the basic model and all other life cycle models as embellishments of this model. However, the classical waterfall model cannot be used in practical development projects, since this model supports no mechanism to handle the errors committed during any of the phases.
This problem is overcome in the iterative waterfall model. The iterative waterfall model is probably the most widely used software development model evolved so far. This model is simple to understand and use. However this model is suitable only for well-understood problems; it is not suitable for very large projects and for projects that are subject to many risks.
The prototyping model is suitable for projects for which either the user requirements or the underlying technical aspects are not well understood. This model is especially popular for development of the user-interface part of the projects.

The evolutionary approach is suitable for large problems which can be decomposed into a set of modules for incremental development and delivery. This model is also widely used for object-oriented development projects. Of course, this model can only be used if the incremental delivery of the system is acceptable to the customer.
The spiral model is called a meta model since it encompasses all other life cycle models. Risk handling is inherently built into this model. The spiral model is suitable for development of technically challenging software products that are prone to several kinds of risks. However, this model is much more complex than the other models – this is probably a factor deterring its use in ordinary projects.
The different software life cycle models can be compared from the viewpoint of the customer. Initially, customer confidence in the development team is usually high irrespective of the development model followed. During the lengthy development process, customer confidence normally drops off, as no working product is immediately visible. Developers answer customer queries using technical slang, and delays are announced. This gives rise to customer resentment. On the other hand, an evolutionary approach lets the customer experiment with a working product much earlier than the monolithic approaches. Another important advantage of the incremental model is that it reduces the customer’s trauma of getting used to an entirely new system. The gradual introduction of the product via incremental phases provides time to the customer to adjust to the new product. Also, from the customer’s financial viewpoint, incremental development does not require a large upfront capital outlay. The customer can order the incremental versions as and when he can afford them.

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