Case Study UNIX | novice-vikas

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Aim or Objective :
 To study basics of UNIX Operating System .

The Shell

  • The shell is the interface between the command language user and the OS
  • The shell is a user interface and comes in many forms (Bourne Shell, sh; Berkeley C Shell, csh; Korn Shell, ksh; Restricted Shell, rsh)
  • User allowed to enter input when prompted ($ or %)
  • System supports all shells running concurrently. Appropriate shell is loaded at login, but user can usually (except in sh, rsh) dynamically change the shell
  • A UNIX command takes the form of

    executable_file [-options] arguments

  • The shell runs a command interpretation loop

    • accept command
    • read command
    • process command
    • execute command
  • Executing the command involves creating a child process running in another shell (an environment within which the process can run). This is done by Forking.
  • The parent process usually waits for the child to terminate before re-entering the command interpretation loop
  • Programs can be run in the background by suffixing the command-line entry with an ampersand (&). Parent will not wait for child to terminate

The Processing Environment

Input and Output
  • UNIX automatically opens three files for the process

      STDIN - standard input (attached to keyboard)
      STDOUT - standard output (attached to terminal)

      STDERR - standard error (attached to terminal)
  • Because UNIX treats I/O devices as special types of files, STDIO can be easily redirected to other devices and files

    who > list _of _users

The Kernel

  • Central part of the OS which provides system services to application programs and the shell
  • The kernel manages processes, memory, I/O and the Timer - so this is not the same as the kernel that we covered in Lecture 3!
  • UNIX supports multiprogramming
  • Processes have their own address space - for protection
  • Each process's process environment is composed of an unmodifiable re-entrant text (code) region, a modifiable data region and a stack region.
  • The text region is shareable
  • Processes can modify their environment only through calls to the OS

The File System

  • UNIX uses HDS with root as its origin
  • A directory is a special UNIX file which contains file names and their i-nodes (index nodes)
  • Subdirectories appear as file entries
  • Directories cannot be modified directly, but can are changed by the operating system when files and subdirectories are created and deleted
  • File and Directory names must be unique within a particular directory (i.e., the path name must be unique)
  • The File System is a data structure that is resident on disk
  • It contains a super block (definition of the file system); an array of i-nodes (definition of the files in the system); the actual file data blocks; and a collection of free blocks
  • Space allocation is performed in fixed-size blocks
The i-node
  • Contains

      the file owner's user-id and group-id
      protection bits for owner, group, and world

      the block locator

      file size

      accounting information

      number of links to the file

      file type
The Block Locator
  • Consists of 13 fields
  • First 10 fields points directly to first 10 file blocks
  • 11th field is an indirect block address
  • 12th field is a double-indirect block address
  • 13th field is a triple-indirect block address
  • Each UNIX file and directory has 3 sets of permission bits associated with it
  • These give permissions for owner, group and world
  • System files (inc. devices) are owned by root, wizard, or superuser (terminology!)
  • Root has unlimited access to the entire installation - whoever owns the files!
  • When you need to change your password, you need to modify a file called /etc/passwd. But this file is owned by root and nobody other than root has write permission!
  • The passwd command (to change passwords) is owned by root, with execute permission for world.
  • The setuid is a bit which when set on an executable file temporarily gives the user the same privileges as the owner of the file
  • This is similar in concept to some OS commands executing in Supervisor mode to perform a service for an otherwise unauthorised process

Process Management

  • Description of Process Management in SunOS
  • Priority-based pre-emptive scheduling. Priorities in range -20 to 20. Default 0.
  • Priorities for runnable processes are recomputed every second
  • Allows for ageing, but also increases or decreases process's priority based on past behaviour
  • I/O-bound processes receive better service
  • CPU-bound processes do not suffer indefinite postponement because the algorithm `forgets' 90% CPU usage in 5*n seconds (where n is the average number of runnable processes in the past 60 seconds)
  • Signals are software equivalents to hardware interrupts used to inform processes asynchronously of the occurrence of an event
Interprocess Communication
  • UNIX System V uses semaphores to control access to shared resources
  • For processes to exchange data or communicate, pipes are used
  • A pipe is a unidirectional channel between 2 processes
  • UNIX automatically provides buffering, scheduling services and synchronisation to processes in a pipe line
  • The presence of a pipe causes the processes in the pipe line to share STDIO devices

    who | grep cstaff

  • The output from who is directed to a buffer. grep will take its input from this buffer. The output from grep will be displayed on the terminal
  • UNIX makes 3 interval timers available to each process
  • Each counts down to zero and then generates a signal
  • The first runs continuously
  • The second runs while a process is executing process code
  • The third runs while the process executes process code or kernel code

Memory Management

Address Mapping (Virtual Storage) - Paged MMS
  • Virtual address V is dynamically translated to real address (P, D)
  • Direct Mapping is used, with the Page Map held in a high-speed RAM cache
  • Each Page Map Entry contains a modified bit, an accessed bit, a valid bit (if the page is resident in PM) and protection bits
  • The system maintains 8 page maps - 1 for the kernel (not available to processes) and 7 for processes (contexts)
  • context registers are used - one points to the running process's page map and the other to the kernel's page map
  • The replacement strategy replaces the page that has not been active for longest (LRU)
  • SunOS maintains 2 data structures to control paging
  • The free list contains empty page frames
  • The loop contains an ordered list of all allocated page frames (except for the kernel)
  • The pager ensures that there is always free space in memory
  • When a page is swapped out (not necessarily replaced) the system judges whether the page is likely to be used again
  • If the page contains a text region, the page is added to the bottom of the free list, otherwise it is added to the top
  • When a page fault occurs, if the page is still in the free list it is reclaimed


  • All data is treated as a byte stream
  • UNIX does not impose any structure on data - the applications do
  • So data can be manipulated in any way - but programmers must explicitly structure the data
  • A device is just a special type of file
  • These files can have protection bits, so that a printer, e.g., cannot be read
  • Permission to use sensitive devices, e.g., magnetic disk, is restricted to root and all other users have to use system calls to executable files which have their setuid bit set


  • Explained how UNIX is constructed with reference to material we have covered in the course
  • The UNIX File System
  • Process Management in UNIX
  • UNIX Memory Management
  • UNIX I/O Device Independence
  • Command Interpretation Loop

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